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Uniseal Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and Answers about Uniseals. If you have a question about Uniseals and their use contact me HERE I will add it into the Uniseal FAQ's. I am also interested to hear of how our customers have used Uniseals and could add some photos to the site.
Question |
Someone I know said Uniseals leaked! |
Answer |
The seal provided by the Alcryn in the Uniseal should ensure that "Uniseals don't leak" and tests have been conducted up to 65 P.S.I. without leakage. How it works is that the pipe inserted through the Uniseal exerts outward pressure on the Alcryn which ensures a watertight seal between pipe and Uniseal and also between the Uniseal and vessel. There are two important factors when installing a Uniseal - the quality of the hole and the Outside Diameter of the pipe. Cut your hole with a holesaw and remove any swarf from around the hole with some fine sandpaper. If the holesaw bites in too hard on thin pastic your vessel can buckle and create an elogated eliptical hole so be gentle but firm. If your pipe has too small an Outside Diameter not enough outward pressure will be exerted by the pipe on the Uniseal, so a good tight fit is essential.
See all FAQS
Our latest additions 6 inch Uniseals, both sizes i.e. Uniseals U600 and Uniseals U600 SDR-35, are now part of our stock holding. We only have a small number in stock so drop us an email or give us a call if you require some.
We have just launched our Flexseal EPDM Plumbing Range pipe connector products. We are stocking the complete Flexseal plumbing range. We also have an advert on eBay selling the product. Checkout the menu on the left of the page.
Call 07484 171458 for prices.