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To send an email to The Uniseal Shop click here
You can send us photos of your own Uniseal implentation for our Customer Use page or simply ask us a question which we may add on to our Uniseal FAQ's page The more photographs and FAQ's that we can add to the site the better. Photo's and FAQ's help users understand how to get the best out of the Uniseal product line.
Email - please cut and paste into your email address box
we can also be contacted through our original website
UK Mobile - 07484 171458
Our latest additions 6 inch Uniseals, both sizes i.e. Uniseals U600 and Uniseals U600 SDR-35, are now part of our stock holding. We only have a small number in stock so drop us an email or give us a call if you require some.
We have just launched our Flexseal EPDM Plumbing Range pipe connector products. We are stocking the complete Flexseal plumbing range. We also have an advert on eBay selling the product. Checkout the menu on the left of the page.
Call 07484 171458 for prices.